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Art Of Sleeping
If you are among those who cant miss your eight hours of beauty sleep for the world then perhaps you know what it means when you need sleep.

Art Of Sleeping (39) 1(Image: credit).

This site suggests 'Japanese have a special ability to fall asleep anywhere at anytime' & crowd doesn't make much of a difference to them.

Art Of Sleeping (39) 2
Art Of Sleeping (39) 3
Art Of Sleeping (39) 4
Art Of Sleeping (39) 5
Art Of Sleeping (39) 6
Art Of Sleeping (39) 7
Art Of Sleeping (39) 8
Art Of Sleeping (39) 9
Art Of Sleeping (39) 10
Art Of Sleeping (39) 11
Art Of Sleeping (39) 12
Art Of Sleeping (39) 13
Art Of Sleeping (39) 14
Art Of Sleeping (39) 15

And if you are among those who are interested in learning new skills of sleeping in impossible places & positions then this is the best site which has got a lot to offer.

Art Of Sleeping (39) 16
Art Of Sleeping (39) 17
Art Of Sleeping (39) 18
Art Of Sleeping (39) 19
Art Of Sleeping (39) 20
Art Of Sleeping (39) 21
Art Of Sleeping (39) 22
Art Of Sleeping (39) 23

Few more:

Art Of Sleeping (39) 25
Art Of Sleeping (39) 26
Art Of Sleeping (39) 27
Art Of Sleeping (39) 28
Art Of Sleeping (39) 29
Art Of Sleeping (39) 30
Art Of Sleeping (39) 31
Art Of Sleeping (39) 32
Art Of Sleeping (39) 33
Art Of Sleeping (39) 34
Art Of Sleeping (39) 35(Image source: Funhight).

And even after all this, if one needs to sleep at work then there is a solution to this too. Just close your eyes & stick the eyes stickers & fall asleep & relax yourself. Just in case if you are thinking otherwise, then perhaps you should stick to a cup of coffee.

Art Of Sleeping (39) 24(Image credit: Gayaruangkepelbagaian).

Kids are the best teachers in this:

Art Of Sleeping (39) 36(Image credit: Mytwogirls).

Here are some animals sleeping in their usual way:

Art Of Sleeping (39) 38(Image: Credit).

Art Of Sleeping (39) 39(Image credit: 3quarksdaily).
Category: Photo | Added by: luisag (2009-05-08) | Author: Luis Graulau
Views: 284 | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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