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When proms go bad

It’s that time of year again, and despite none of the high school girls we buy beer for holding up their end of the bargain and inviting us to prom we’re still capable of recognizing when a prom goes bad. Here are some of the awesomest examples.

When one couple decides to put the douche into douchey matching outfits.

When your date makes you call him “007″ the entire night.

When one couple needs to be remembered as serious Trailganstas.

When the guys decide a light saber photo would be epic.

When one couple takes their Winnie the Pooh obsession a little too far.

When rednecks get a hold of colored duct tape.

When someone convinces himself he’s “outrageous” enough to pull off the cane and top hat.

When you get voted Prom Prince to your buddy’s Prom King.

When your buddy hires an escort and tries to convince everyone he’s dating J. Lo.

When one couple really enjoyed The Phantom Menace.

When your date is primarily concerned with taking the most random photo ever.

When cousins break out the spray tan gun on one another the night before.

When your date finds out you thought you were getting l**d.

When dorks get a hold of colored duct tape.

When one dude thinks kissing another dude on camera is a good idea.

And when these two show up.

Category: Photo | Added by: luisag (2009-04-27) | Author: Luis Graulau
Views: 313 | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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