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Strangest Dating Advice Books That Actually Exist
Strangest Dating Advice Books That Actually Exist.

10. Getting Your Wife Or Girlfriend To Become A Swinger
We're pretty sure that this book doesn't really work because if it did, it would absolutely be found on the New York Times best seller list.

9. How To Date A White Woman: A Practical Guide For Asian Men
We love that this book promises to be a "practical" guide, because the last thing you need as an Asian man is a bunch of unrealistic advice about how to get in a white woman's pants.

8. Women Who Love Psychopaths
Unfortunately, this is a book that advises women on how to avoid psychopaths as opposed to being a book for male psychopaths who are looking to find women that will love them. Sorry fellas, you'll just have to find women the old fashioned way - by pretending to be normal until after you sleep with them.

7. The 50 Mile Rule
We haven't read this "guide to extramarital etiquette," but we're guessing the title refers to the oft-stated (and rarely accepted) belief that anything that happens 50 miles from your spouse isn't technically cheating. If somebody wrote a book about it, it has to be true, right?

6. The Layguide: How To Seduce Women More Beautiful Than You Ever Dreamed Possible (No Matter What You Look Like Or How Much You Make)
They were going to title this book the Roofieguide, but thought that might have given away the book's secrets. 

5. Boy Vey! The Skiksa's Guide To Dating Jewish Men
Every Jewish man should get a copy of this book...and hide it from his mother before she has a chance to burn it.

4. How To Tell If Your Boyfriend Is The Antichrist
We can help you with this dilemma - if your boyfriend buys you this book for your birthday, he is in fact the Antichrist.

3. Online Dating For Senior Citizens
It's bad enough that we have to think about senior citizens getting their groove on, but now we have to think about them LOLing and ROFLing their way into the sack too? Or even worse...what if they know how to use webcams? 

2. The Blind Date Guide To Dating
We'd love to know what the world's worst (and by worst we mean best) dating reality showhas to say about how you should best go about dating. We're especially curious to read their chapters on First Date Hot Tub Etiquette and How To Include The Camera Guy In A Threesome.

1. The Black Man's Guide On How To Cheat On Your Woman: The Book
This book truly has it all - racial stereotypes, bad grammar, and even a cover that looks like it was a rejected Master P album cover. We can't wait until Oprah picks it as her Book of the Month Club selection.
Category: Photo | Added by: luisag (2009-07-08) | Author: Luis Graulau
Views: 300 | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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