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9 Wisest Philosoraptor Quotes
The Philosoraptor is very enlightened, raising questions that are tough to answer or will at least make you ponder for a second. Here are other imaginary animals we like.

9. Broken Clock
Classical words of wisdom.

8. Seeing Colors Differently
Who hasn't wondered this once or twice?

7. The Game
The rules of the Game being "if you think about the Game, you lose".

6. Rule 34
If it exists, there must be porn of it.

5. Portal
Yes, the cake is a lie.

4. Humans? Dancers?
Why can't it be both, Philosoraptor?

3. Two Watches
Very insightful. Unless both watches tell the correct time, of course.

2. Mordor
We actually saw a documentary on this matter and yes, one can.

1. Free Will
This is a tough one. Any help?

Category: Photo | Added by: luisag (2009-06-13) | Author: Luis Graulau
Views: 330 | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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