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20 Bizarre And Humorous Medical Facts
1. One in 5.5 million men in the United States have two penises. (You wish you were that lucky)

2. A passionate kiss uses up 6.4 calories per minute. (See, you burning your energy there)

3. One out of every four orthopedic surgeons has cut or will operate on the wrong limb at some point in his or her career. (Well, after so many years of studies it’s very sure to happen)

4. Blonde beards grow faster than darker beards. (Damn! Now i wonder why my beard does not grow)

5. During a kiss as many as 278 bacteria colonies are exchanged. (Proved, kissing is gross. But it’s sure so much fun)

6. Former U.S. president Jimmy Carter had an operation for hemorrhoids while he was in office. (Anything is possible When you are the president)

7. From the age of thirty, humans gradually begin to shrink in size. (No shit!)

8. Human thigh bones are stronger than concrete. (Then why engineers use concrete. Oh right! because thigh bones are scarce)

9. If you lock your knees while standing long enough, you will pass out. (I ain’t trying that)

10. If you squeezed out all of the bacteria from your intestines, you could almost fill up a coffee mug. (Now that’s a shocker)

11. Queen Victoria eased the discomfort of her menstrual cramps by having her doctor supply her with marijuana. (Marijuana FTW)

12. Soldiers disease is a term for morphine addiction. The Civil War produced over 400,000 morphine addicts. (War sucks, poor troops)

13. The attachment of the human skin to muscles is what causes dimples. (Who would have thought)

14. The human brain stops growing at the age of 18. (See that’s why many people go crazy after the age of 18)

15. The storage capacity of human brain exceeds 4 Terabytes. (And I was going to buy a new Hard Disk Drive!)

16. There have been cases of people dying from paper cuts. The paper cut gets infected, and without proper treatment you can die from the infection. (I’m also a survivor of paper cut, still creeps me out)

17. Undertakers report that human bodies do not deteriorate as quickly as they used to. The reason, they believe, is that the modern diet contains so many preservatives that these chemicals tend to prevent the body from decomposition too rapidly after death. (Preservatives rock)

18. Urine was once used as a detergent for washing. (Why they stopped using it?)

19. You blink every 2-10 seconds. As you focus on each word in this sentence, your eyes swing back and forth 100 times a second, and every second; the retina performs 10 billion computer-like calculations. (Brain made the PC)

20. Your thumb is the same length as your nose. (Stop it, don’t try right now)

Category: Sticky Notes | Added by: (2009-05-19)
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