Philosophy Pick-Up Lines: Aristotle: All men by nature desire to know you. Me especially. Mistaken (see Plurality. pp. 23-8) Modal Realist: Look, you're going to sleep with me in some possible world. Since all worlds are equally real, it doesn't really matter which one it is. So you should be indifferent whether it's this one. G.E. Moore: Take my hand. Take my other hand. No, this isn't a dream! But it is quite lovely. John Leslie: Only if the world were going to end tomorrow? Well ... Solipsist: Only if I were the last man on earth? I just happen to be ... Humean: Imagine you and me, baby, in constant conjunction. Unrestricted Mereologist: Don't listen to what they say--you know we're part of something special. Chalmers: I hope you're easier then my easy problem. Richard Cartwright: Let's no longer be scattered objects! Quine: I find this reference inscrutable. You too? Temporal Parts Theorist: There's a part of me that really wants to get to know you. Zenoian, sitting uncomfortably close to the prospective partner: We're together and I can't move. Hume: It just feels like we go together. Aristotle: I'd like to inform your matter, baby.