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Woah such a long time since I posted. I started university and am drowning in work right now. I have managed to stay afloat with little room to breathe. I didn't have any time to take care of the site or it's constant advertising but I managed to registered completely with Adsense and my site is back up making money from banner adds. So yeah it's been some time but the site has stayed alive for all this time.
Views: 12297 | Date: 2009-11-10 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

Sorry for not posting in months it's just that I was working with the universities applications and did not have any time left to myself. But lets see what happened while I was gone. It's nice to see the site got to a total over 27000 impressions and hundreds of visitors a day. Visitors from all places of the world. Some people joined but I would like to point out the importance of joining this site. If you join I would allow you to place html code in your posts allowing for far greater self promotion and you would not have to any captchas when you post so you can post far more articles in the same time.
Views: 10261 | Date: 2009-08-25 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

That's what has been happening for the time I "wasn't" here I was taking care of heavy advertising and rolling in some huge amounts of visitors on the order of almost 80 visitors a day and huge amounts of posts happened  on an average of 20 - 30 posts a day and users joining everyday.

The  small amount of time that I had free for myself was spent in advertising and some posts since time has been so scarce lately on the count of graduation season for me and all the rush of getting the clothes ready for the graduation. For those of you know surprised that the owner and caretaker of this website is a High School student I would like you to know I've been a straight A student all my life so don't worry.  
Views: 9947 | Date: 2009-05-24 | Rating: 5.0/2 | Comments (3)

This has been one of the best weeks for this website so let me explain to you the reason.

Up to today we have gotten                      1606 impressions for an average of 267.7 views per day
A total of                                                102 hosts for an average of 17 hosts a day

An have gotten visits from:                      Puerto Rico                    Greece          &nb ... Continue
Views: 8361 | Date: 2009-04-17 | Rating: 5.0/2 | Comments (1)

Well as the tittle says this week has been a lot harder for me. Not only have I been fiddling around with the websites code even though I don't know much about HTML and don't have enough time to watch tutorials, but I also started making another website. Actually it's my eighth website created but this one is really special, it's for the marching band.

The marching band is a new phenomena at our school. The first band ever at our school. It's also the only school band in town as many of the ones that were broke up and disassembled. That's why I would like your support. Visit My bands site . And leave some comments.
Views: 8029 | Date: 2009-04-15 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

It's been a couple weeks since the last news and a couple hard weeks they've been. I've spent this weeks after the global update modifying the theme and making way for some advertising that's going to show up in the next weeks.

Visits have gone from a thousand to almost 2500 in what two weeks. The posts average is now up to 10 posts a day so content is growing at a blazing speed and users can now get trophies.

Sorry for taking out the search bar as it was a very useful part to many users. It should be back up tomorrow including some pieces of advertising.

Ha sido un par de semanas desde las últimas noticias y un par de semanas difíciles. He pasado esta semana después de la actualización modificando el tema y haciendo camino para alguna publicidad que va a aparecer en las próximas semanas.

Las visitas han pasado de mil a c ... Continue
Views: 10819 | Date: 2009-04-08 | Rating: 5.0/2 | Comments (0)

In just 26 days we went from 100 impressions to 1000 impressions. I think this really shows the avalanche of users and visitors we're  getting every single day with the number of posts growing at an average of 5 posts a day. Don't be left out of the new rage join Post today.

En sólo 26 días fuimos de 100 impresiones a 1000 impresiones. Creo que esto realmente muestra la avalancha de usuarios y visitantes que estamos recibiendo cada día con el creciente número de posts a un promedio de 5 posts al día. No te quedes fuera de la
nueva fiebre unete a Post hoy.
Views: 7007 | Date: 2009-03-29 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)


I made a basic description of this website to give guests an idea of how it works and what tools can they find here. I really tried to make this description as simple as possible so guests would feel attracted to it and joined for the full benefits.  

>Post is a website built by a beginner by normal standards. Even though it is completely maintained by one person it looks and feels professional to some degree.

>It is a social website built specifically for the people.

>It is simple and easy to use and does not contain any viruses or pop-ups. We believe in the nature of users. People will keep coming if they find the website clean and friendly.

>You don't have to join to be able to use this website. With the avalanche of social websites requiring people to join growing everyday people have started to care about the control those websites have on their property. That's why p ... Continue
Views: 9235 | Date: 2009-03-14 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (2)

We have broken the first 100 page views mark. As any web developer knows the first 100 are the hardest and the first 1000 are crucial if the website is to be successful. We reached the first 100 in the first month so as far as we know is a great track record for a website made by a beginner. This couldn't have happened without the support of our users and the visitors we get every day. We owe this to you and we are in eternal debt with you. I personally would like to thank my friends for their personal support and their comprehension. We ask you to keep the posts coming don't worry our servers can handle them all. Take care!
Views: 9132 | Date: 2009-03-07 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

We over at would like to thank you for visiting our website and being part of our ever growing user community. As always we ask you to help us grow our user community a lot more by inviting your friends to join and posting as many things as you want. Keep in touch with us as we will be unveiling new features to our website like contests we might run in the near future and submit your design were you can send us the html code you would like to see used in our website. Thank you and take care. 
Views: 8720 | Date: 2009-03-03 | Rating: 0.0/0 | Comments (0)

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